At the end of Fuzzy Navel, J. A. Konrath surprised listeners with an agonizing cliff-hanger: One of Lieutenant Jacqueline "Jack" Daniels's loved ones is dead. But who? Listeners were left clamoring to know more.Cherry Bomb, the sixth Jack Daniels mystery, opens at the funeral. While Jack stands graveside, tears in her eyes, her cell phone rings. It's the killer, escaped maniac Alex Kork, taunting Jack, drawing her ever further into a twisted game of cat and mouse. Because while Alex is more than willing to kill random victims, Jack is her true prey. But which woman wants revenge more?
Cherry Bomb started out slow for me, but picked up speed and really held my attention. While it wasn't my favorite book of the series, it was definately in the top three. While Jack Daniels grieves, she must continue to try and protect those she loves. Can she? Only she has the ability to save them...one at a time. However, she cannot do anything about the senseless deaths of the other victims that fall prey to the sadistic Alex Kork on her path of revenge.
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